How to create and remember a bullet-proof password
Security experts say that to secure your email accounts, cpanels, ftp access, facebook, just about anything and everything in your digital life is to have a bullet-proof password.
But, what on earth is “bullet-proof password”?
Well, again, going by current advice, it should be at least 8 characters long, longer the better, should have alphabets in upper and lower case, digits and special characters that you see on the keyboard above ...
Official website of Rotary Club of Lahore launched
December 14th, 2010
Sign In Tech has delivered the official website of Rotary Club of Lahore. Sign In Tech has been working closely with the non-profit sector and particularly for the world famous organisation, Rotary International. Rotary is the world’s largest volunteer organisation, boasting over 1.2million members worldwide.
Rotary Club of Lahore is the second oldest Rotary Club in the India-Pakistan subcontinent.
FCC Gets A Brand New Website
March 15th, 2010
Forman Christian College, lovingly known as FCC, awarded the total revamp of the college website to Sign In Tech, our web development unit.
Sign In Tech sat down with the FCC team and studied all aspects of their userbase, their audience, their current and future needs. In the process, we looked at the age aspect of the different categories of their users so that the new website should be well-suited.
Where ...
Site Revamped!
May 17th, 2009
The Sign In Group website is undergoing a total make-over.
This time around, its not just rewriting of the pages, or addition of some page, but the entire website has been wiped clean and redone. We are not yet done playing with it, but then, with our beloved new CMS, I doubt we will ever stop redoing, renewing, and revamping it!
For sometime, though, you can access our previous version here.